Alois Bell, Christianist, Sucks
On 2013-02-02 15:23:04 +0000, Bryan said:
>> On Saturday, February 2, 2013 1:17:46 AM UTC-6, Sqwertz wrote:
>> Everybody got what they deserved, IMO. Applebee's got some good (IMO)
>> publicity, the waitress got fired, and the pastor looks like a cheap,
>> cynical bitch.
> Good publicity? Really. If I were the sort to eat at Applebee's, I'd
> avoid the place.
I don't know about Steve, but that's just the kind of publicity I'd
like to see Applebee's get.
> The public should demand that the worker be re-hired.
They're working on it with a facebook page. It skimming for the youtube
of Bell preaching (she is almost incomprehensible), I found indications
that 1) The video was removed, 2) Bell has apologized saying she didn't
want any one fired, and other publicity-doctoring factors.
> It's too bad that the "church" has no physical address that I could
> locate, because I was going to send the pastor a nice letter.>> -sw
I did too, I was looking for a way to contact Bell too so I could tell
her how much I "appreciated" her "godliness". A first for me.
> --Bryan