Surcharge (auto-tip) Yay? Nay?
Read the article again. They insisted on separate checks, so the 34 bucks was prob. for 2-3 people.
I understand mandatory gratuity - it's to counteract the big cheapskate groups which are wont to haunt restos. I've been in those groups- some straggle in latee so they miss the appetizer part, some toss a 20 on the table and duck out early, The last guys left are the ones who get stuck making up the difference. Some shitheads don't even cover their FOOD, let alone throw in something toward a tip.
This is why, if I go out with a group, I go armed with plenty of fives and ones so I can cover my portion and not get stuck, even if it means a special trip to the bank to get those small bills. Beats getting stuck and stewin about it for years, and having to smile and act like nothing happened, next time you bump into these tightwads. It's usually a couple who you thought were in the bucks - ha. Burns my rear.