Vegetarians Cut Heart Disease Risk By 32 Percent (compared towhat?)
George Plimpton wrote:
> On 2/1/2013 1:49 PM, Dutch wrote:
>> Dr. Jai Maharaj wrote:
>>> Vegetarians Cut Heart Risk By 32%
>> Statistics like this tend to be misleading because they compare
>> vegetarian diets against a wide range of diets that include meat, many
>> of which are patently unhealthy. I'd rather see a study comparing
>> vegetarian diets against well balanced diets that include some meat but
>> exclude fast food and highly processed foods, diets with healthy levels
>> of fats, sugar and salt. That would tell a different story.
>> Having said that, I'd rather have a slightly higher risk of heart
>> disease and enjoy my life.
> So you saw that the jyotishithead, Jay Stevens - not a doctor, not a
> Hindo - just reposted more of the same in response to your post?
Talking head syndrome. Of course Fake Hindoo Jay isn't interested in
rational debate, or good health, he is just proselytizing his faux religion.