In article >,
John J > wrote:
>On Sat, 02 Feb 2013 21:03:02 -0800, sf > wrote:
>>On Sun, 03 Feb 2013 11:02:35 +1100, John J > wrote:
>>> That's because not everything is always exclusively about where you
>>> happen to live. In Australia they also say football when they mean
>>> some form of rugby. It wouldn't matter if there wasn't another sport
>>> that actually is football.
>>I didn't know rugby had more than one form! From my understanding,
>>our sport is referred to as "American" football by outsiders - which
>>is fine by me. I also knew that some sport played with a round ball
>>elsewhere is called football and I knew it was either soccer or rugby
>>- but they look the same to me so I can't tell one from the other.
>>I don't understand why anyone who isn't an American cares what we call
>>that sport. They don't live here, they aren't interested - so why
>>waste energy trying to tell us we're calling it by the wrong name?
>>Has any country adopted a better name for it? If they have, I don't
>>know what it is... but they certainly know that we call their
>>"football" rugby, so they're paying far more attention to our sports
>>than we do to theirs.
>You're very much into us vs. them. Anyway, call it what you want. It
>was just an innocent comment.
Bullshit. You're the one who started the "us vs. them", figuring that you
*would* get a response. When the first one was pretty mild, you kept it
going until you got something closer to what you wanted.
You're not the only one doing a "superior dance" all over the thread, but
you definitely started it and kept it going.
English is a very flexible language. Sack up and grow a pair.
obfood: eating my California orange juice and California sourdough for