"z z" > wrote in message
> So I opened the Chicken of the Sea can of "whole" clams-no shells lol.
> Dumb question but are these precooked clams? It doesn't say on the can.
> I doubt whether hot soup "cooks" them thoroughly. I will wait to see if
> I get ill :-)
> Extremely low calorie low carb high iron (not afraid of cholesterol.) I
> was quite surprised by how tiny they were.
> There was zero fishy smell in the can, but I rinsed them regardless. The
> bottle of clear clam juice on the other hand did smell fishy.
> Product of China which doesn't thrill me-here is a recipe link for
> California clams :-)
Yes, the clams are cooked. They should have no fishy smell
and the juice they are packed in is an excellent clam broth;
please don't rinse it away. I empty the can into a strainer set
on a bowl, check for shells and what-not, and use the juice
for whatever clam juice you need. My pretty good and easy
white clam sauce takes the strained clams, sautés them
lightly in butter with garlic, adds herbs and wine and when
they are settled adds the strained clam juice. Easy and fun, no
regrets on not using fresh clams which just ain't that available.