Thread: Hobo Stew
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bigwheel bigwheel is offline
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Originally Posted by sf[_9_] View Post
I think it is also aka: Mulligan Soup
I have a package of precooked hamburger in the freezer that I want to
use up. I've decided that my tastes have changed and I just don't
like beef in spaghetti sauce anymore. No matter how I spice it up
with garlic and oregano, it just tastes blah to me and I prefer
Italian sausage (even if it's "mild")... so I want to use this stuff
up. I ran across something called hobo stew, which seems to be
whatever you feel like adding to the pot - even corn and beans (both
green and dried).
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.
Granny Clampett called that Overlook Stew. It was made out of all the stuff in the ice box that Jethro had overlooked eating the previous week. Bet it will be good. Caramelize the veggies in olive oyl and use some spicy V8 juice with good beef broth for the liquid ration. Very hard to go wrong.