Tea Mystery
On 2013-02-04, S Viemeister > wrote:
> On 2/4/2013 9:36 AM, Janet wrote:
>>> I am getting the impression that you are talking about making tea in a
>>> cup. IMO, that is an unacceptable way to make tea. It has to be made in
>>> a proper tea pot. I have never had a decent cup of tea made by dunking a
>>> tea bag into a cup or mug.
>> I agree
> As do I.
Gee, so no one can do it any other way! Amazing.
Get real. The Chinese make tea in a small bowl, not much bigger than
a cup, and usually make three drinks from each tea batch, each having
its own significance. They figure any other way of brewing/drinking
tea is the work of barbarians. The Japanese make such a big deal out
of it, the tea pot is practically a gift from the gods, some being
hundreds of years old and enshrined on pedestals. I put a teabag in a
cup of hot water and add a spoonful of sugar. Big whoop. I prefer