McDonald's hit with fat lawsuit
A.C. wrote:
> becky wrote:
> > Honestly I do not think McDonald's is bad, if you eat the appropriate
> > sized portions and exercise on a regular basis you can eat whatever
> > you want.
absolutely correct. Anything in moderation is good.
It is really silly how much people want to "blame"
> > corporations and do not want to take personal accountability for their
> > own actions.
> c'mon becky, you know as well as i do that people who over eat and become
> obese do so at no fault of their own.
Well, that may be a gross generalization.
its the evil fast food empires that
> use subliminal advertising and supersizing techniques to lure unsupecting
> people into a life of obesity.
In the same way that subliminal advertising gets people to vote one way
or another.
Supersizing technieques to lure is effectively marketing. The best
marketing technique is to tell
somebody it is a cost saving measure. Effectively they are removing the
service. That is why it is cost effective.
> it has ablsolutely nothing to do with people
> eating far too much and exercising far too little!
It may have.
> the food is fat laden,
Who knows? What does any of their food contain?
> cheap
Cheap because labour is cheap.
and i suspect contains addictive drugs that makes people unable to
> judge portion size and also probably contains other drugs to encourage
> appetite.
Who knows that the food cotains.
> they should be litigated out of existence, unless of course if
> they employ the same mind control techniques to make the population trim and
> fit. thats it!#$% it's the fast food industries responsibility to improve
> heath of the average citizen! **quiver** heh... i think i just had a sargasm
> :-P