How to cool liquids to room temperature quickly?
On 2/6/2013 9:33 AM, sf wrote:
> I read somewhere that it chemically alters the milk and why you're
> supposed to do it in certain situations. I didn't care then and I
> don't care now about the why, I just do it when the recipe tells me
> to. It's not brain surgery and I'm not in a rush like Christopher
> appears to be. I wasn't and still am not in the mood to tell him to
> do the scalding step before he does anything else and not to mix in
> the cold butter while the milk is still in the pan he heated it in if
> he's in such a rush. If he can't figure that part out... well, I
> don't feel sorry for him if he has to wait a few minutes for it to
> cool.
The heating and cooling of liquids is not rocket science, although it
could be if you're talking about liquid oxygen. :-)