A dinner with mixed fried fish, with ad addition of shrimps, in a Pizzeria
restaurant in the Santa Maria Formosa area, in Venice, costed 600 euros for
two danish tourists who filed a formal complaint.
The event became a case of which the Carabinieri have been informed,
considering that the danish tourists were diplomats who, after getting back
to Denmark, filed a complaint at the italian Embassy.
I never feel sorry when a restaurant in Venice gets closed, thay dare too
much and I wish them to finally get what they deserve: a condemnation to a
sound fine. The city Townhall should partake in the trial to defend the name
of Venice from these thieves, asking for a huge financial compensation from
them as the Townhall of Rome did a few years ago in a similar case.
I posted this since I remember reading complaints, here on RFC, about crazy
Venice's restaurants prices.
"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin