S Viemeister wrote:
>gtr wrote:
>> S Viemeister said:
>>> Ophelia wrote:
>>>> A couple of months ago we were invited to a neighbour's house for an
>>>> evening. They kept the tv on for the entire time! Turned very low but,
>>>> I found it really hard to relax and just chat. It was a large screen
>>>> too
>>>> and it just dominated the room
Tbh, lovely people though they are,
>>>> I doubt we will spend an evening there with them again.
>>> That sort of thing drives me up the wall. I was taught that it was
>>> rude to leave the TV on when guests arrived.
>> I simply ask people to turn it off, and they always oblige.
>I would never do that, as a guest in someone's home.
You need to grow a pair. If they'd rather watch TV you're not a guest
in their home, you're an intrusion. Were I invited to someone's home
where they'd rather watch TV I'd make an early departure and never
accept another of their invites.