How to cool liquids to room temperature quickly?
On Thu, 07 Feb 2013 15:55:06 -0500, Gary > wrote:
>Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>Isn't it you, Ed, that lives in Connecticut? Sounds like you are in for a
>big snow storm tomorrow/Saturday. On my news they are saying up to 2 feet
>of snow in New England. Good luck with that. I'm jealous here in the
>South. Only rain here.
Yes. Last check it was 2 feet plus. Morning should be OK. I'm
already shutting down the plant at noon but will move it up earlier if
the snow will be heavy earlier.
Meantime, I have a couple of gallons of gas for the snow blower.
Bought a new one last year and never got to use it. This will be the
second time this years, a real tryout.