On Sunday, February 3, 2013 10:37:57 AM UTC-6, Hench wrote:
> On 2/3/2013 9:17 AM, A Moose in Love wrote:
> > Yesterday, I picked up a liter of Mastro 100% pure cold pressed.
> > $4.97. I hope it's what the label says it is.
> > Full article here
> > http://www.canada.com/life/Extra+vir...297/story.html
> >
> > {
> > Last July, Eddie Zilli, president of Santa Maria Foods of Toronto,
> > which markets Mastro olive oil and other products, was convicted of
> > three offences under the Food and Drugs Act.
> >
> > The judge ordered Zilli to pay a total fine of $150,000 and ordered
> > 47,400 litres of seized oil to be disposed of.
> >
> > The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) reported that Zilli
> > unlawfully imported oil labeled as extra-virgin olive oil that was, in
> > fact, blended oil containing approximately 50 per cent sunflower oil.
> > The offences occurred between January and April 2006.
> > }
> >
> damn it. I've been buying that brand because it's been cheaper for
> tha past few months.
> Cooking with it still has been fine as I rarely use olive oil unless
> heat is getting applied...
The good news is that sunflower oil in Europe is nearly all of the high oleic variety, so health-wise, while you may have been missing the benefits of the polyphenols, at least the fats were fine. It's a shame to throw away all of that totally healthful blended oil. They should instead donate it to food pantries.