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Gary Gary is offline
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Posts: 23,520
Default Why am I craving nuts?

John Kuthe wrote:

John. My grocery store is selling this week (on sale?) chocolate covered
strawberries. 4 of them for $6.99. Are they kidding me?'s a real
sale for inflated Valentine's Day prices.

From what I've read, YOU are really good with your Christmas candy making.
Even Bryan has said that you do candy well. Have you ever considered making
and selling your candy? You start off small, not much investment,...offer
them online...and also give a dozen to local stores to try... and if sales
take off....well....sometimes these small businesses really take off if the
product is "all that."

If you really *are* "the candy man," a simple side venture could possibly
turn into a career once word got around. Kuthe Candies, 2020...A Fortune
500 company.
