How to cool liquids to room temperature quickly?
On Fri, 08 Feb 2013 19:53:59 -0500, Cheryl >
>> Isn't it you, Ed, that lives in Connecticut? Sounds like you are in for a
>> big snow storm tomorrow/Saturday. On my news they are saying up to 2 feet
>> of snow in New England. Good luck with that. I'm jealous here in the
>> South. Only rain here.
>I have family in Massachusetts and it's already snowing there. Expecting
>about 2 feet I think.
We have about 18" so far and plenty more coming. Heavy for another 3
hours, then tapering a bit for another 3 to 5 hours. We could hit
30" or so. Same into MA.
We shut down work at noon and the ride home was easy. I even stopped
for pizzas to bring home. It got progressively heavier after that
though. One of the worst storms I've ever seen with the high winds.