Cauliflower mashed potatoes
On 01/29/2013 10:37 AM, KROM wrote:
> making it in the pressure cooker makes a difference...I boil my cauli
> with the potato then drain very well as it needs to be drier to get the
> right texture...
> I would think a good pressure cooker method to get a good mashed potato
> taste would be:
> in the pot with the lid off..fry a few slivers garlic in olive oil till
> brown and remove the garlic so you have flavored oil..then add a
> generous pat of butter and brown one chopped small size head cauliflower
> and one large pealed and diced potato ..
> then the secret trick would be add your teaspoon onion powder and salt
> and pepper and 1/4 cup heavy cream..put on lid and cook the 6
> minutes..remove lid and mash and season to taste.
> least it seems to me that would work.
> cooking the cauli with the cream gets rid of that sulphuric cauliflower
> taste and thickens the liquid pre mash
> worth a shot...
Got a chance to try your suggestions out. The cream did
wonderfully on removing the sulphuric taste.
Skipped the garlic as both the wife and I did not like
a test sample. (Neither one of us liked garlic in real
potatoes either.)
I only had it at pressure for 4 minutes. I should have gone
for 5 -- still some chewy parts.
And I over peppered it. But that will go away with
time in the refrigerator.
I was not sure if browning some to start with made any
difference in the taste, but it sure did taste good!
Used two heads of cauliflower, one cube butter,
~1/5 cup EVOO. Browned. Then added 1/2 cup cream and
put up at pressure. Fast relieved pressure. Added
~1T Onion, 4 oz cream cheese, s & p. Used my
wire potato smasher to mix.
Thank you so much for the instructions!