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gregz gregz is offline
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Posts: 1,302
Default Heinz sold for $23 Billion

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Yes, Simply Heinz is delicious.
If I recall, John Kerry's wife was a Heinz heir-wonder how much stock
he/she own/owned in the company? I figure for him to run for President
again. Hopefully someone explains the facts of life to Biden before then.

I dabbled in the online stock market in a very small way for awhile till I
realized I simply didnt have enough time (or money) to do it properly. When
I read Buffet bought Heinz I thought of the excellent Simply Heinz ketchup
(and John Kerry back in the political inner circle) and realized I should
have seen it coming.

Getting ready to do taxes today and was checking my account. Years ago my
first stock purchase was VMI at $17 a share. I could barely afford just a
few shares. I sold for a tiny profit and it was a fun learning experience.
While checking my account for kicks I looked up current price of VMI. Gulp
$158 a share. Makes me wish I had hocked everything to buy a large amount
of shares.


I heard there was suspected insider trading on Heinz.
