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ImStillMags ImStillMags is offline
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Default For Emergencies Only

On Feb 18, 2:52*pm, Brooklyn1 > wrote:
> Got this: *
> And this: *

I went to Best Buy and got a pretty simple flip phone and I refill my
minutes on line whenever I run low.
I've had this Samsung phone for over 2 years now and I don't even
average out at $5 a month on calls.
I like no plan and refilling on line whenever I need to.
The phone can text and take pictures and stuff but I don't use it for

I only use my phone as a back up or emergency.
I keep it in my purse, turned off. Mostly I want to have it when
I'm in the car just in case I need to call someone for help or
I much prefer my land line for regular phone calls.

I am also one who doesn't understand why people think they have to
have a phone in their ear every moment of the day.

I would never use the phone in the car as I was driving....besides
it's against the law here.