Thread: Charities
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Bryan[_6_] Bryan[_6_] is offline
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Default Charities

On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 8:34:47 PM UTC-6, graham wrote:
> "James Silverton" > wrote in message
> ...
> > There are a lot of worthy charities to which I contribute but it seems

> > that the requests for money tend to come earlier and earlier each year.

> > This amounts to a sneaky attempt to get a larger annual contribution. I

> > wonder if they realize that if I put the requests aside I will probably

> > forget them completely.

> >

> What annoys me is that once I give to a charity, it then pesters me to give
> every few weeks after that. I gave to one charity last year, and it e-mailed
> me *the following day* asking me to give again.

Low income tax schemes in countries where the population is deluded by
supply-side nonsense rely on inefficient fund raising charities. That's
sad. Gross inequity has never been demonstrated to be correlated with
prosperity and happiness.
> Graham
