Thread: Charities
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Charities

Dave Smith wrote:
>graham wrote:
>> What annoys me is that once I give to a charity, it then pesters me to give
>> every few weeks after that. I gave to one charity last year, and it e-mailed
>> me *the following day* asking me to give again.
>> Graham

>Yep. Giving to a charity these days puts you on their sucker list. Maybe
>the trick is to give anonymously. Forget about the tax receipts. Just
>give them the money and let it be a one time donation.

I don't have that problem, I only give for the care of animals,
animals never lie, never steal, and take only what they need, they
have no pockets. Two of my neighbors care for rescue animals, I
regularly bring much appreciated food. They prefer food to cash,
saves them a trip to the feed store. In fact I'll be going to the
feed store tomorrow, I need bird seed anyway.