Thread: Charities
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Cheryl[_3_] Cheryl[_3_] is offline
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Default Charities

On 2/19/2013 9:21 PM, James Silverton wrote:

> There are a lot of worthy charities to which I contribute but it seems
> that the requests for money tend to come earlier and earlier each year.
> This amounts to a sneaky attempt to get a larger annual contribution. I
> wonder if they realize that if I put the requests aside I will probably
> forget them completely.

I get the same from charities I donate to, too. I give through my work
payroll so if anyone calls or asks for a donation I just explain that to
them. My allocation of donations is already figured out, maybe next
year. I also just tend to donate to animal rescue groups. My favorite
one is on the list for payroll deduction so it works out well.