Thread: Charities
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Default Charities

Dave Smith > wrote in

> On 19/02/2013 10:24 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> m
>>> Yep. Giving to a charity these days puts you on their sucker list.
>>> Maybe the trick is to give anonymously. Forget about the tax
>>> receipts. Just give them the money and let it be a one time
>>> donation.

>> I don't have that problem, I only give for the care of animals,
>> animals never lie, never steal, and take only what they need, they
>> have no pockets. Two of my neighbors care for rescue animals, I
>> regularly bring much appreciated food. They prefer food to cash,
>> saves them a trip to the feed store. In fact I'll be going to the
>> feed store tomorrow, I need bird seed anyway.

> Well them be sure to let us know if you ever come down with some
> deadly disease. We will chip in and send you some bird seed.

And you think that if he did come down with a deadly disease, that the
charities that raise money for research into them would put him on their
'top ten people to be treated with the cure' list because he donates to

Time to take off your rose coloured glasses.

We 'sponsor' a couple of families in Bali, who are putting their kids
through University.... and the way we do it is to send the money
*directly* to them.... no middle man to take their cut in
"administration fees" and who get paid handsome salaries out of the
donations as well.

And it doesn't get paid to the Govt of the country for "distribution",
either. Otherwise the families would see not one red cent of it.

We also collect spectacles/glasses which we take turns in taking over
(by the box load), as there are charities (Lions Australia) who collect
the same, but they are given to the "clinics" over there who then *SELL*
them to the people who need them at quite high prices. Ours are given to
local clinics, people come in, try on glasses till they get the one that
allows them to see properly, and they get them for *FREE*.

The only other charity we give to is SEDA..... because since we lost our
pooch, we thought that rather than get another, we'd just spend the
money that we would normally spend on a dog, and give it to an
organisation that uses dogs to help others. That and the fact that SEDA
is not Govt funded...... which is bloody ridiculous!!


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