Thread: Charities
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Ophelia[_9_] Ophelia[_9_] is offline
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Default Charities

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 2/20/2013 6:27 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> "graham" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "James Silverton" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> There are a lot of worthy charities to which I contribute but it
>>>> seems that the requests for money tend to come earlier and earlier
>>>> each year. This amounts to a sneaky attempt to get a larger annual
>>>> contribution. I wonder if they realize that if I put the requests
>>>> aside I will probably forget them completely.
>>> What annoys me is that once I give to a charity, it then pesters me to
>>> give every few weeks after that. I gave to one charity last year, and
>>> it e-mailed me *the following day* asking me to give again.

>> Yes it is really aggressive here. A few years ago we had a bit of luck
>> on the lottery and gave a substantial amount to a charity. They have
>> been on our backs ever since. We do give now but we do so anonymously.

> Would that be the same UK lottery I never entered yet for a couple of
> years was informed (via email) I'd won? Sorry, they had to wait in line
> while I helped out that poor Nigerian prince...

lol no It was the National Lottery that we pay for The only charities
we fund now, are the one in my sig, and the Dog's Trust. They are left
money in our wills too.