Thread: Charities
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Charities

On 20/02/2013 12:09 AM, sf wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Feb 2013 21:21:30 -0500, James Silverton
> > wrote:
>> There are a lot of worthy charities to which I contribute but it seems
>> that the requests for money tend to come earlier and earlier each year.
>> This amounts to a sneaky attempt to get a larger annual contribution. I
>> wonder if they realize that if I put the requests aside I will probably
>> forget them completely.

> Magazine subscriptions use the same tactic,

My very conservative arranged for a trial subscription to a very right
wing magazine for my wife. He wisely gave them our address and her
maiden name. They send us bills and renewal letters for more close to a
year. She had send him a subscription to another magazine for Christmas
and that magazine started sending renewal notices within a couple months.