Thread: Charities
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Charities

On 20/02/2013 8:44 AM, James Silverton wrote:


> There is an organization called Charity Watch that tracks the amount
> that actually goes to the real work of charities and publishes the
> results in a newsletter three times a year. I think the survey is quite
> reliable. An interesting thing is that putative Native American
> charities are a class that often get bad marks.

We have a government web site that you can check and see how much of the
registered charity's money goes into programs. I checked on the one that
I used to be involved with and was disappointed to see that the way it
is reported, that charity looked inefficient. We did therapeutic
horseback riding for he physically and mentally disabled. We got various
government grants and had to raise most of our money through fund
raising activities. Our operating expenses were substantial. We had
four horses and boarding in a facility with an indoor arena to which we
had exclusive access three nights a week was over $1500. Then there was
the cost of specialized tack, vet bills, farrier bills. There was only
one person who was paid, and that was our trained instructor. She got
only $10 per one hour lesson. It was more of an honorarium.