Thread: Charities
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Charities

On 20/02/2013 9:39 AM, graham wrote:
> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 19/02/2013 9:34 PM, graham wrote:
>>> What annoys me is that once I give to a charity, it then pesters me to
>>> give
>>> every few weeks after that. I gave to one charity last year, and it
>>> e-mailed
>>> me *the following day* asking me to give again.
>>> Graham

>> Yep. Giving to a charity these days puts you on their sucker list. Maybe
>> the trick is to give anonymously. Forget about the tax receipts. Just
>> give them the money and let it be a one time donation.

> Have you noticed that some charities have Provincial as well as a National
> fund raisers? Not only that but I get demands from Heart & Stroke and then
> later they separate and I get demands from the Heart fund and then the
> Stroke Fund or whatever.
> Graham

Yep. The names change just a little. They are close enough that they
sound like something you might be inclined to donate to. It is obvious
that someone is selling their sucker list.

A couple weeks ago I had a call from someone from an organization that
my wife had given a fairly generous donation. Their thing is recording
the stories of our war veterans. They started off by thanking me for
the generous donation a couple months ago and then wanted me to hear him
out........ but i cut him off as soon as it was obvious that he was
trying to hit us up for another donation. I told him that they got the
donation, but that my wife and I have decided that we really resent
having our donations taken as an invitation to be solicited over and
over. We will give if we want, when we want, when and how much we think
we can afford.... and if you call us looking for more you won't get any.