Thread: Charities
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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Charities

On Wed, 20 Feb 2013 01:18:22 -0600, Lucy Van Pelt
> wrote:

> On Tue, 19 Feb 2013 22:00:31 -0800, sf wrote:
> > On Tue, 19 Feb 2013 23:27:53 -0600, Lucy Van Pelt
> > > blathered something incoherent.
> >>
> >> <deleted to spare the innocent>

> >
> > So you didn't have the balls to say it as your regular self or are you
> > just another drive by? Either way, who cares what your opinion is?
> > Right! No one.

> Are you on the rag again, Barbara? Or are you trying to be Paul's
> Night in Shining Armor?
> Apparently you don't know who Lucy Van Pelt is (was). She ran a
> Sarcasm booth and listened to people's worthless thoughts for a mere
> $.05.

Apparently I do and Lucy had you written all over it, worthless
nymshiftrer that you are.
> And all my posts clearly indicate that I posted them if you bother to
> take 3 seconds to read the headers. And all the clues were there even
> if you didn't read the headers. You're just not very bright.
> -sw (for -lvp)

Oh, yeah - stupid me. You nymshift to escape kill files, say lots of
shit you don't have the balls to post under your regular name, put a
cutesy sw at the end to say gotcha and then play blame the victim;
proving one again what a spineless coward you really are. You never
consider that it makes you a point of derision and the butt of jokes?
It must be killing you to have to be "nice" on the Facebook rfc group.
I laugh every time I think about it, like right now. Oh, and don't
think no one has noticed that the king of snooping uses x-no archive
because he doesn't want to be caught in one of his usual lies...
because that's what habitual liars do.

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