Thread: Charities
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Graham Graham is offline
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Default Charities

"sf" > wrote in message
> On Wed, 20 Feb 2013 09:23:49 -0500, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
>> On 19/02/2013 9:21 PM, James Silverton wrote:
>> > There are a lot of worthy charities to which I contribute but it seems
>> > that the requests for money tend to come earlier and earlier each year.
>> > This amounts to a sneaky attempt to get a larger annual contribution. I
>> > wonder if they realize that if I put the requests aside I will probably
>> > forget them completely.
>> >

>> I am seeing a new and disturbing trend..... checking out in a grocery
>> store or at the liquor store and being asked if you want to donate to
>> XYZ charity. When it first started it was $1, then they started asking
>> if you want to donate $2. A couple weeks ago I was at the grocery store
>> and the cashier asked the person ahead of me if he wanted to donate $5.
>> I was not at all surprised that he said no. She did not ask me, but I
>> was left wondering if it was a legitimate charity or a sociological or
>> marketing experiment and they were looking for the cut off point, the
>> point where being pass from being intimidated by being asked directly
>> and being outraged by the amount demanded.

> One grocery store here gives 10¢ off if you bring your own bag and
> they're smart enough to just ask if you want to donate that 10¢ to
> whatever charity it is. Dimes do add up.

The Calgary Co-Op supermarkets do that. However, I always ask what the
charity is before donating as I give only to secular charities.