Thread: Charities
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Charities

On 20/02/2013 10:40 AM, sf wrote:
ts clearly indicate that I posted them if you bother to
>> take 3 seconds to read the headers. And all the clues were there even
>> if you didn't read the headers. You're just not very bright.
>> -sw (for -lvp)

> Oh, yeah - stupid me. You nymshift to escape kill files, say lots of
> shit you don't have the balls to post under your regular name, put a
> cutesy sw at the end to say gotcha and then play blame the victim;
> proving one again what a spineless coward you really are. You never
> consider that it makes you a point of derision and the butt of jokes?
> It must be killing you to have to be "nice" on the Facebook rfc group.
> I laugh every time I think about it, like right now. Oh, and don't
> think no one has noticed that the king of snooping uses x-no archive
> because he doesn't want to be caught in one of his usual lies...
> because that's what habitual liars do.

That helps to explain why he is in so many kill filers. I have said it
before and I will say it again. It is bad enough to be so consistently
obnoxious that you end up in a lot of people's kill files. It is really
pathetic to nymshift to get around those filters. How desperate can a
person be to go to the effort to change user names just be to an ass
under a different name.