Thread: Charities
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Bryan[_6_] Bryan[_6_] is offline
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Default Charities

On Wednesday, February 20, 2013 2:33:58 PM UTC-6, Gary wrote:
> Linus Van Pelt wrote:
> > So much stress. You REALLY need to get laid.

> LOL, Steve. She's been married for years. No long-time married couple does
> that often after the honeymoon wears off. heheheh
> PS - deal with that fact, Bryan!

I get lots. I was nice this morning. I had woken up in the middle of
the night, and my wife told me she'd had insomnia, so this morning I didn't
wake her up early. There are plenty of folks who have been married for
decades, and still have sex more days than not, sometimes more than once
a day. And why not? It's my favorite thing in the world. I like it better
than food, or beer. I eat food every day, and it's pretty unusual for a day to go by that I don't have at least one drink.
Skipping a day is OK though, and because of my schedule, Sundays and Tuesdays
are usually off days. It makes it extra good the next time. That saying about,
"A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and thou," seems like a given, if you can get
it. What puzzles me is why anyone would choose otherwise, unless maybe they
find their spouse physically unattractive. Less than 3 times a week, and I'd
be grumpy. The couple of years before my son started school, I actually felt
some resentment toward him because alone time was scarce.
