Thread: Charities
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Charities

On 20/02/2013 5:22 PM, Bryan wrote:

> I get lots. I was nice this morning. I had woken up in the middle of
> the night, and my wife told me she'd had insomnia, so this morning I didn't
> wake her up early. There are plenty of folks who have been married for
> decades, and still have sex more days than not, sometimes more than once
> a day.

Not more than one a day any more, but 40 years married and two years
living together before that. Things slowed down for a while after heart
surgery, but I am glad to say we are still in that small percentage of
couples that are still like bunnies.

And why not? It's my favorite thing in the world. I like it better
> than food, or beer. I eat food every day, and it's pretty unusual for a day to go by that I don't have at least one drink.
> Skipping a day is OK though, and because of my schedule, Sundays and Tuesdays
> are usually off days. It makes it extra good the next time. That saying about,
> "A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and thou," seems like a given, if you can get
> it. What puzzles me is why anyone would choose otherwise, unless maybe they
> find their spouse physically unattractive. Less than 3 times a week, and I'd
> be grumpy. The couple of years before my son started school, I actually felt
> some resentment toward him because alone time was scarce.

I used to wonder why my parents sent us to Sunday School. It wasn't
until years later that I realized it was probably play time for them.