Thread: Charities
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Charities

On 20/02/2013 5:55 PM, Roy wrote:

>> They always name the charity and they are not obscure.

> ==
> My SIL worked for W**M*** for a few months and she resented management
> nattering to her about forgetting to ask customers about making a donation
> to THEIR favorite charity. Some customers were quite rude and said NO so
> my SIL hesitated to ask.

Maybe it's time for customers to start being more forceful about our
objection. I have no qualms about telling them no, but I am sure that a
lot of others are easily intimidated. I don't mind them having some sort
of jar or something for people to put their change in for the charity of
the week, but I really resent being asked to donate $2 to a charity of
their choice. I had a hard enough time with a charity that I worked with
when they wanted me to donate. I told them flat out. I am giving you
10-15 hours a week of my time. I should not have to pay to do that.