Thread: Charities
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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Charities

On Wed, 20 Feb 2013 22:08:47 -0600, Brown Betty >

> On Wed, 20 Feb 2013 16:43:30 -0800, sf wrote:
> > Evil has nothing to do with it. You were a brat when you were a kid,

> You must have one of those backwards crystal balls. One that tells
> the past rather than the future.
> > You obviously DO care. Grow a pair and kill me here - even better,
> > try never nymshifting.

> Oh, I have plenty of people in my killfile. But you're just too fun
> to **** with.

Yeah, right. LOL! You have no balls what so ever and just proved it.
> > I know you can't do it because you have
> > absolutely ZERO will power, so flushing you out is as easy as shooting
> > fish in a barrel.

> You're accusing *me* of having "ZERO willpower" yet you can't keep
> yourself from responding to every post I make when I morph just to get
> your attention. More pegging of the Irony Meter.

Absolutely no irony... You can't stop nymshifting and have proven
every point I made.
> OTOH, if you want to call me a glutton for Positive Reinforcement,
> then I won't argue with you on that. Because you're always a good
> sucker.

You seem to be spluttering, numbskull. I got you good and it's
obvious that you have absolutely NO will power.

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