Thread: Charities
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Charities

On 20/02/2013 7:43 PM, sf wrote:


> You obviously DO care. Grow a pair and kill me here - even better,
> try never nymshifting. I know you can't do it because you have
> absolutely ZERO will power, so flushing you out is as easy as shooting
> fish in a barrel.

You should know by now that he lives for the attention and that he gets
that from your your responses. Kill files can be a good thing if you
don't want to be faced with temptation to stoop to his level, but you
have to learn to try to ignore that same idiot under his aliases. You
don't even need to bother filtering the new names because the pathetic
fool will have a new one by the time the other one is in your filter.