Thread: Charities
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Charities

On 2/21/2013 8:56 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 20/02/2013 7:43 PM, sf wrote:

>> You obviously DO care. Grow a pair and kill me here - even better,
>> try never nymshifting. I know you can't do it because you have
>> absolutely ZERO will power, so flushing you out is as easy as shooting
>> fish in a barrel.

> You should know by now that he lives for the attention and that he gets
> that from your your responses. Kill files can be a good thing if you
> don't want to be faced with temptation to stoop to his level, but you
> have to learn to try to ignore that same idiot under his aliases. You
> don't even need to bother filtering the new names because the pathetic
> fool will have a new one by the time the other one is in your filter.

I was skimming this very quickly, you wrote "have a new one by the
time". For a second my eyes saw "have to *buy* a new one"! Now that
would be funny, if someone had to buy/pay for a new nym each time
