Thread: Charities
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Charities

On Wed, 20 Feb 2013 21:54:14 -0600, Sqwertz >

>On Wed, 20 Feb 2013 20:07:28 -0500, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> I don't think I will be getting too many calls when it'll be very rare
>> this phone is turned on. I think some are missing that I really meant
>> it when I said this phone is strictly for emergency use.

>Yet you're complaining that you're getting messages. It must be one
>of those magic phones that works even when it's turned off.

You illiterate dwarf... I said I just turned it on to drive into into

>And don't be surprised when your magic phone battery is dead when it
>comes time for an emergency.

It comes with two chargers, one for indoors and one that I already
plugged into my car's cigarette lighter.

Hehe, I drove into town again this morning (top round roasts were on
sale but the butcher was at lunch yesterday and I didn't feel like
waiting) and I totally forgot the phone, never occurred to me... now
that is the way it won't do me any good. I have a strong suspician
that for me this cell phone will be more trouble than it's worth...
especially that it's bundled with the PIA Dwarf App. LOL-LOL