servings per
"Todd" > wrote in message
> On 02/21/2013 04:32 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Todd" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Hi All,
>>> Came across a funny mislabel. I was looking at TJ's uncured
>>> bacon pieces for a project I am thinking of. It was
>>> a 12 oz or 1 lb package, I can't remember.
>>> What struck me as hysteria:
>>> Servicing size: 1 tablespoon
>>> Servings per container: 65 (Sixty five!)
>>> Chuckle, chuckle
>>> -T
>> I guess I don't see what is funny there. And how is it a mislabel?
> Hi Julie,
> Yes, I am easily amused at times.
> 1) 16 tablespoons per cup. That would be 4 cups of bacon. That is
> a lot of bacon!
Okay. I have never actually measured bacon like that but your package
seemed rather large so I don't know.
> 2) Have you ever laughed at the servings per container on various
> packages? One can of soup serves one person, but the label says
> four. I have seen some pretty ridiculous servings per container
> before, but SIXTY FIVE? That takes the cake!
Well, no. I can honestly say that I have never laughed at anything I saw on
a label. I don't happen to think things like that are funny. Just a bit
odd. I do know that most people will assume that when they buy something
that appears to be a single serving, it often is not. I was trained early
on to read package labels and I always do. Much of what I see on a label
prevents me from bringing the food or drink home to begin with.
As for the 65 servings per container, that isn't odd to me at all. Seeing
as how I buy stuff at Costco or the restaurant supply place. I certainly
don't always buy in bulk but if it is something that will keep for a while
such as popcorn or rice, or something that can be portioned out for the
freezer, I will buy it if the price is signifigantly cheaper.
> 3) Remember how much you paid to read this.
> :-)
> -T
Uh... What?