Thread: Charities
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Charities

On 21/02/2013 8:58 PM, graham wrote:

> I stopped giving to the sallies when I found out that in the middle of our
> vicious winters, they still turn away anyone who is under the influence,
> whereas a nearby non-religious charity *never* turns anyone away. So here
> you have a secular charity that is more "christian" than a supposedly
> christian charity.
> Graham

I don't donate to religious charities either, but I can understand their
stand on that. They deal with a lot of people who are in those
situations because they drink too much.

I know a guy who had new found respect for the Salvation Army when he
immigrated here from Scotland in the early 1950s. He had been raised to
hate the SA and they used to taunt them and throw things at them in the
streets back in Scotland. When he got off the boat on a cold winter day
in Halifax the Salvation Army was on the dock handing out free coffee.

Never the less, I think it hilarious that the dress in a sort of uniform
and have ranks.