Thread: Charities
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Nancy Young[_6_] Nancy Young[_6_] is offline
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Default Charities

On 2/22/2013 8:21 AM, Gary wrote:

> Years ago, when my daughter was attending college at UVA, she sent me a
> letter. I think the stamps at the time cost 33 cents. Rather than put a
> stamp on the letter, she taped 3 dimes and 3 pennies to it. LOL!
> The post office actually sent it on to me and didn't even remove the coins.
> The post office ppl probably just got a good laugh out of it. A dumbass
> college prank/thing, I suppose.

In high school, a friend would simply write CL where the stamp was
supposed to be. It would always be delivered. Those magic letters
stood for chain letter. Yeah, I'm sure the post office had no idea
what that meant.

I'm sure they wouldn't overlook that today.
