On Fri, 22 Feb 2013 10:02:44 -0500, "Steve Freides" >
> I did a Google on
> yeastless bread with self-rising flour
> and found this:
> http://www.yummly.com/recipe/Guinnes...position=10/36
> some of the other recipes here
> http://www.yummly.com/recipes/self-r...flour-no-yeast
> look interesting.
> Anyone trod down this path before? I suppose that what one is making is
> essentially a big biscuit and not really bread. Curious to hear any
> words of wisdom from those of you more experienced than me at this - I'm
> considering making up my two-ingredient biscuit batter, perhaps adding a
> bit of butter and sugar, and putting it into a loaf pan to see what the
> results are.
> This recipe
> http://bachutha.com/how-to-make-plai...without-yeast/
> which is a pain for my American, volumetric-measurement-brain way of
> looking at things, looks like my biscuit recipe but with a bit more
> salt, and water and butter instead of milk.
I use Self Rising flour for only one thing: "beer" bread. The rest of
the yeastless breads I make would be called quick bread. I suppose
you could substitute SR for the flour, baking powder and salt in any
quick bread recipe, but I've never felt a need to do it that way.
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.