Thread: Charities
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Sig. Stamps (WAS: Charities)

On 22/02/2013 4:24 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:

>> Fingerprints?! I just looked at my drivers license. No fingerprint. I
>> seem to remember way back in the day they asked for fingerprints.
>> Before photographs, even. But back then what database were they going
>> to be able to run it through? I'm thinking 30 years ago and not much
>> networking.
>> Jill

> I've never seen a driver's licence with finger print ID. Passports
> don't have finger print ID. Even military IDs don't have finger
> prints.

I worked in commercial vehicle enforcement and were in the same branch
as the driver licence people. I even did a short stint as a driver
examiner. Dealing with drivers from all ten provinces and the
territories, and all 50 US states, plus some European and Mexican
drivers..... never saw any with fingerprints, and the literature we had
about licences from all those other states, provinces and country....
never mentioned anything about finger prints. Before we had one piece
photo licences, driver licences had to be signed in ink.