Thread: Charities
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S Viemeister[_2_] S Viemeister[_2_] is offline
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Default Sig. Stamps (WAS: Charities)

On 2/22/2013 5:41 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
> On 2/22/2013 3:14 PM, S Viemeister wrote:
>> I really hate having my card disappear from sight, as happens in US
>> restaurants.

> If someone wants to use your card nefariously, it sure doesn't
> need to leave your sight. There are plenty of ways someone
> dishonest can steal your info and all you need to do is watch
> your statements for fraudulent charges. I've had it happen to
> me and the charges are removed from your balance, pronto.

Not necessarily 'pronto'!

It took us _months_ to sort out false charges on our American Express
card, even though it was fairly obvious that my husband couldn't have
made gasoline purchases in both New Jersey and Texas within an hour of
each other - and the fake purchases in Texas were apparently for large
commercial vehicles, while the NJ charges were within his usual pattern
at the time.

Months, it took!!!