Thread: Charities
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Charities

On Sat, 23 Feb 2013 00:10:21 -0500, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>On Wed, 20 Feb 2013 21:19:34 -0500, Cheryl >
>>On 2/20/2013 7:11 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
>>> How to alienate donors: use all the money they sent you on constant
>>> mailings and free labels. Just so you know you threw money down a
>>> hole.

>>I don't understand that tactic, either. And the ones that send out self
>>addressed stamped envelopes. Not the postage paid one that they are
>>only charged for when they're used, but real stamps.

>It is to give you a guilt trip not using that stamp. I'm sure the
>method has been tested and proven to work.
>There is only one charity I give to with my name. It is a donation
>near the end of the year and I do it on line. They don't bug me the
>rest of the year and I appreciate that.
> During the course of the year, I give cash to a couple that I know
>actually use the money for real and not fund raising.

About 20 years ago I got snookered into giving to Children's Christian
Fund... after about a year of sending money and receiving snail mail
from a child that supposedly resided in central Mexico I discovered
that the letters are forged by an adult and there are no needy
children, it's a scam. When I phoned for making arrangements to visit
the kid they stopped sending me mail. I felt much better about giving
the neighborhood winos a few bucks for muscatel... on Long Island
there was one old wino who pushed a cart filled with all his worldly
possesions and his two cats, I always gave him cans of cat food and a
few bucks so he could eat too but I'm sure he drank it up. At least I
wasn't scammed, I knew right up front that he was an alkie, and he did
take very good care of his two cats. In winter I'd give the bums warm
clothing, I'd see them wearing it. I'd never again give money to an
organization, may as well flush it down the toilet.