Thread: Charities
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Ophelia[_9_] Ophelia[_9_] is offline
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Default Charities

"Sqwertz" > wrote in message

> I'm not sure how charities work in the UK but I'm tending to think
> it's just as bad there as it is here. The UK has an equivilent
> concentration of bleeding hearts as most "progressive" American
> cities.
> Please research your charities carefully. There are too many people
> getting stinking rich off of the kindness of others.

Yes, you are quite right! The only charities we support these days are the
one in my sig and the Dog's Trust. The biggest animal trust in uk is the
RSPCA and it stinks. I could tell you many stories about how they big waste
money. One story in particular makes me very angry. They are often left
money and property in wills. One man had nurtured a piece of land as a
haven for wildlife. In his will he left it to the RSPCA requesting it be
cared for as he had done. They promptly sold it to a property developer.
