Thread: Charities
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Charities

On 2/24/2013 3:52 AM, Sqwertz wrote:
>> That's interesting. I mentioned earlier about a donation we gave to a
>> >charity. We were in Glasgow and canvassers were on the streets approaching
>> >people for the charity we had decided on. When we mentioned the sum, they
>> >told us they couldn't take it and put us directly onto the charity. It
>> >seems they were only able to sign people up for regular donations. That
>> >surprised me.

> I'm not sure how charities work in the UK but I'm tending to think
> it's just as bad there as it is here. The UK has an equivilent
> concentration of bleeding hearts as most "progressive" American
> cities.
> Please research your charities carefully. There are too many people
> getting stinking rich off of the kindness of others.
> -sw

There used to be a charity called Angel Food Ministries. Hell, even I
bought boxes of food from them a few times. I'm sure I mentioned this
some years back.

You didn't have to be on welfare or receive food stamps to qualify.
Anyone could buy food from this place. Just place your order (they had
different types of "food boxes" to choose from). Average cost was about
$30 for a box of food. On the specified day that month you'd go to the
sponsor church, bring a box or a cooler and pick up your food.

It worked like a cafeteria. You took your empty box down a line of
folding tables where volunteers would add items, depending upon which
box you'd ordered. Unless it was a vegetable box there was always meat.
Sometimes vac-packed steaks or a bag of frozen chicken breast halves.
Move down the line, a bag of frozen vegetables. Also dried spaghetti
and a jar or can of pasta sauce. Sometimes a bag of rice. A carton of
shelf-stable milk. Cookies or a frozen pie for dessert. Lastly, a
carton of eggs. The food was mostly donated by restaurant supply
companies. The goal was to provide enough food to feed a family of four
for a week.

Worked well for a while. Then they got greedy.

"The ministry closed in September 2011 as a result of a federal fraud

The founders (and their adult son) were living high on the hog.
