Thread: Charities
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Ophelia[_9_] Ophelia[_9_] is offline
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Default Charities

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 2/24/2013 4:27 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> I'm not sure how charities work in the UK but I'm tending to think
>>> it's just as bad there as it is here. The UK has an equivilent
>>> concentration of bleeding hearts as most "progressive" American
>>> cities.
>>> Please research your charities carefully. There are too many people
>>> getting stinking rich off of the kindness of others.

>> Yes, you are quite right! The only charities we support these days are
>> the one in my sig and the Dog's Trust. The biggest animal trust in uk
>> is the RSPCA and it stinks. I could tell you many stories about how
>> they big waste money. One story in particular makes me very angry.
>> They are often left money and property in wills. One man had nurtured a
>> piece of land as a haven for wildlife. In his will he left it to the
>> RSPCA requesting it be cared for as he had done. They promptly sold it
>> to a property developer.

> I know someone whose elderly but well-loved and well cared-for cat had
> wandered off. She'd been searching frantically. Some woman picked the
> cat up, thinking it was a stray. She took it to the RSPCA. Without even
> attempting to find the owner, they euthanized her cat!

Sounds right I would never take any animal to the RSPCA (The Royal Society
for the Preventions of Cruelty to Animals)
