I realized I hadn't made any since running out of the "good" red
pepper flakes my Korean friend used to get shipped to her from her
mother in Korea. She always disdained the stuff she could get here
(US) but mom is gone, friend is back in Seoul and incommunicado, and I
had a hankerin', so off to the local Korean store for some of theirs
(1 lb. bag $3.99. 5 lb. bag $16. Do you know how much red pepper 5
pounds is?? :-) ). I had everything else I needed in house.
I decided to try a version that used a rice "pudding" to bind things
together and settled on this:
albeit without the salted squid (I've had a tough time with the smell
of old squid ever since my Japanese-Hawaiian college roommate
regularly snacked on the stuff around me :-) )
Anyway, made it yesterday. The bulk of it is sitting the the fridge,
but I left some in a container out on the counter overnight to
expedite the fermentation and tried it out this afternoon.
Still has a ways to go, but it is awesome. Not too hot, balance of
flavors is just right. I have to remember to keep this stuff around,
as a snack, a condiment, a side, or ingredient for other dishes.
Silvar Beitel