Jailbird Mothra Stewart's New Lifestyle....
Katra wrote:
> Many folks are jealous of the rich and famous...
> Shame too, as anyone could do what Martha did. She is a self-made
> millionaire. If anyone is gutsy enough to get off their butts and try,
> they can do what she did!
> She is to be admired, not envied.
> Just IMNSHO!
> K.
I do not admire her and I certainly do not envy her. Before the news
of her offense became public, I knew nothing about her. I still have
not found anything interesting about her. She committed a crime for
which she was convicted. She lied and hampered an investigation. She
lied over and over again and perjured herself in doing so.
However, I do not believe that incarcerating her will serve any
purpose. She is not dangerous out of prison and she will not
perpetrate the same offense again, whether or not she is in jail.
If I were the judge, I would sentence her to pay her "debt to society"
in cash and in services, instead of locking her up, which will cost us
for her room and board in the long run. Her fine could be doubled and
she would be more valuable teaching young people something like
cooking or keeping house, than cleaning floors in a penal institution.
Just my two cents worth.