On Wednesday, February 27, 2013 11:14:41 AM UTC-6, notbob wrote:
> On 2013-02-27, Dave Smith > wrote:
> > are known to add a bunch of hops to bad beers to make it more like an
> > IPA...
> You know the ol' saying about Americans. Our working credo is: If a
> lot is good, more is better! Yes, we tend to over do it. And there
> is certainly a lot of really crappy micro-beer out there. I have two
> pizza-microbreweries near me. Neither make an IPA worth spit.
> OTOH, other big rep breweries like Dog Fish Head make ultra hoppy
> beers to critical acclaim. I have no idea why, as I don't think their
> 60, 90, and 120 IPAs are worth a damn. They want $12 for a 12oz bottle
> fer there 120 IPA! I wouldn't give 120 cents. Yet I LOVE mega hoppy
> beers.
> A real IPA has two things. At least 5.5% abv (US) and 40 IBU hops rating. There
> are scientific reasons for both. I won't go into it, but they both
> helped preserve the beer (ale) shipped from Merry Ol' to the Colonies,
> primarily India. Hence the name, India Pale Ale. Before the
> invention of IPAs, most beer (pale ales) spoiled in the tropical
> climate on the long voyages before it could get to the guys in red
> bengaling those lances. Bad mojo!
> A good IPA has the flavor of a either a citrus fruit like grapefruit
> or some other tree fruit. My brewing mentor's best IPA smelled like
> carmelized peaches. Speaking of mojo, my current fave IPA is,
> co-inkidinkily, Mojo IPA from Boulder Beer.
> http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/130/12322
> It's 7.2 abv and smells of grapefruit. Yum!
Beer has to really be delicious for me to enjoy 7+ %. A friend bought me a Bell's Two Hearted Ale draft a few days ago. That's 7.0, and was delicious.
This is my standard "good beer."
It's quite grapefruity, and also reminds me a bit of this.
> nb