Thread: Anheuser-Busch
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Anheuser-Busch

Ema Nymton wrote:
>My search is over, I have never found a beer that I like, it all tastes
>bad to me. I guess beer just isn't my thing.

I'm not a big beer drinker either, occasionally I'll have one or two
on a hot summer day after I've worked outdoors all day and need to
cool off... I can chug a couple after washing the tractors before the
skeeters/deerflies chase me indoors. But mostly I use beer for
cooking, for brasing meat and in bread... pizza dough is wonderful
with beer. I'm not much for wine in cooking. I think beer is better
in cooked dishes, even for a bechamel for a mac n' cheese. The only
time I'll cook with wine is if I open the fridge and see that I have
to crawl down to the basement fridge for beer, and I'm too lazy so
I'll grab the box wine from the kitchen cabinet that holds the 2 liter
carbonated beverages... often I'd rather braise in gingerale.